Proposed Changes to the Guidelines for Extending the Storage of Gametes and Embryos

Closed 30 Sep 2022

Opened 8 Jul 2022


ACART is pleased to present this consultation on Proposed Changes to the Guidelines for Extending the Storage of Gametes and Embryos. The proposed changes will address an apparent anomaly that requires a person, applying to extend the storage of embryos created from donated gametes, to obtain the consent of the gamete donors again.

The amendments will also make the Guidelines easier to understand and clearer about who needs to consent to the extension of storage in which situations.

ACART is also seeking perspectives on other parts of the Guidelines and whether they may need other changes.

Consultation documents


ACART was established under section 32 of the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004. ACART has two key functions:

  1. to provide independent advice to the Minister of Health
  2. to issue guidelines and provide advice to the Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology on procedures and research requiring case by case ethical approval.

ACART’s members include Māori, legal, human reproductive service provider, consumer, researcher, ethics, disability, children and layperson perspectives.

ACART also monitors (1) the application and health outcomes of assisted reproductive procedures and established procedures and (2) developments in human reproductive research.

For more information visit the ACART website.

For more information contact:

ACART Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Wellington, New Zealand.



  • Health sector


  • Ethics
  • Reproductive health services