Breast Reconstruction – National Guidelines for Best Practice

Closed 10 Sep 2021

Opened 11 Aug 2021


The Ministry of Health has been working with a Breast Reconstruction Expert Advisory Group (EAG) to develop a set of national best practice guidelines for breast reconstruction. The final draft guidelines have now been approved by the EAG and we are seeking wider consultation with the sector prior to publication.

The purpose of this consultation is to review the document for accuracy and any significant errors. Note that although not all support services mentioned are currently available nationwide, this document should always be advocating for best practice and access.

The closing date for submissions is 5pm on Friday 6 August 2021.

Please note that details of your submission may be requested under the Official Information Act 1982. If this happens, the Ministry will normally release your submission to the person who asks for it with personal details removed. If you consider there are good reasons to withhold your submission content, please clearly indicate these in your feedback.

The upcoming Health System reform may create opportunities to address wider issues that affect this service such as capacity. We will seek your support and expertise at such time.

That you for taking the time to comment on these guidelines.


  • Health sector


  • Public health