Precision health: Exploring opportunities and challenges to predict, prevent, diagnose, and treat disease more precisely in Aotearoa New Zealand: draft briefing

Closed 19 Jun 2023

Opened 19 May 2023


Manatū Hauora (the Ministry of Health) is seeking written feedback on this draft of its Long-term Insights Briefing (the briefing) by 5pm on 19 June 2023.

Precision health: Exploring opportunities and challenges to predict, prevent, diagnose, and treat disease more precisely in Aotearoa New Zealand: Public consultation on a draft long-term insights briefing

This briefing represents the start of a conversation about how we use current and emerging technologies toward precision health specifically. However, it is also part of a much larger conversation that is happening across Aotearoa following the health reform, to understand the actions we need to take into the future to ensure all people and whānau live long, fulfilling lives in good health, are supported to maintain their health and well-being, are part of healthy and inclusive communities, and live in richly resourced environments designed to enhance their quality of life and reduce stressors.

The feedback we receive on this draft briefing will help us develop the final briefing that will be submitted to Parliament and form a platform to influence our work into the future.

This is the second phase of a 2-phase public consultation approach to develop our briefing. You can make your submission by:

  • completing the online form
  • emailing your feedback to:
  • posting it to:
    Strategy Group
    Ministry of Health
    PO Box 5013, Wellington 6140.

Please include your name, the name of your organisation (if applicable) and contact details in your submission. You may also include links to relevant evidence, for example, research references, or outline the values that underpin your comments.

Please indicate if you wish to participate in ongoing consultation as we develop the final Precision Health Long-Term Insights Briefing.

For more information on how we intend to use and publish your feedback, and how we will protect your private information, see Annex 1.

Use of information

We will use the information provided in submissions in developing our briefing. Manatū Hauora may contact you directly if we need to clarify any matters you raise in your submission.

Publishing information in a summary of submissions or under the Official Information Act 1982

We will publish a summary of the feedback we receive through this consultation. 

Manatū Hauora will consider that, by making the submission, you have consented to publication of material contained within your submission, unless you clearly specify otherwise in the submission. If your submission contains any information that is confidential or you wish us not to publish it for another reason, please indicate this in your submission and mark any confidential information clearly within the text.

While we collect submitters’ names and contact information, please note that personal contact details and names will not be shared or published through the summary of submissions.

Submissions remain subject to requests under the Official Information Act 1982. If you have concerns about your response and name being released, please note this in your submission, with a reason why your name or parts of the submission should be withheld from any future request under the Official Information Act 1982. Manatū Hauora will take such objections into account, and will consult with submitters who have raised objections to the full release of their submission under the Official Information Act 1982. Note that the Official Information Act recognises the privacy of natural persons as a reason for withholding information, such as their contact details. 

Private information

The Privacy Act 2020 establishes certain principles about how various agencies can collect, use and disclose information about individuals. Any personal information you supply to Manatū Hauora in making a submission will only be used for the purpose of helping to develop the Long-term Insights Briefing.


  • Members of the public
  • Health sector


  • Precision health