HISO 10072.2:2019 Bowel Screening Histology Data Standard – Draft for public comment
Results updated 23 Apr 2021
The published standard and an implementation guide are available on the Ministry of Health website.
You are invited to review and provide comment on the draft Bowel Screening Histology Data Standard.
The National Bowel Screening Programme is a free programme for men and women aged 60–74 years eligible for publically funded health care. The primary objective of bowel screening is to reduce the mortality rate by diagnosing and treating bowel cancer at an earlier more treatable stage. A new system, called the National Screening Solution, is currently in development and will receive National Bowel Screening Programme data from service providers.
This standard identifies and describes the data elements and values that need to be captured and sent to the National Screening Solution from the laboratories contracted to perform National Bowel Screening Programme histology services.
The draft standard was developed by a bowel cancer histopathology expert advisory group with the assistance of the Ministry of Health. The public comment process is being carried out by Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO).
- Bowel Screening Histology Data Standard: Draft for public comment (Word, 363 KB)
- Bowel Screening Histology Data Standard: Draft for public comment (PDF, 871 KB)
Please make your submission using the following link on the Ministry of Health’s Consultation Hub by the closing date, Friday 29 March 2019.
What happens next
This consultation is now closed. We will be reviewing feedback to incorporate into the final version of the standard.
The final standard will be published on the Ministry of Health website once it is done.
- Health sector
- Health information standards
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