HISO 10084.2:2021 Contracts, Schedules and Pricing Data Standard

Closed 27 Sep 2021

Opened 30 Aug 2021


This draft standard is part 2 of the data standards developed with NZ Health Partnerships, Hono Ōranga Aōtearoa. (Part 1 covers Suppliers and Items.)

Part 2 defines the minimum data set for contracts, schedules and pricing used to populate the Health System Catalogue to be delivered by the Health Finance, Procurement and Information Management (FPIM) programme. This version of the standard is a draft. 

Read the draft data standard:

The data standard will be used to represent contracts, schedules and pricing elements in the Health System Catalogue. This will publish information suitable for using within the operational systems of DHBs, suppliers, PHARMAC and NZ Health Partnerships, where the procurement, purchasing, distribution and consumption of medical devices and other products and services will be performed.

The standard has been informed by the master data standards work that was signed off in 2012 by all DHBs and is to be read in conjunction with the Supplier and Items Data Standards (HISO 10084.1:2021 – published March 2021). The standard was developed out of a working group process, led by NZ Health Partnerships and with broad stakeholder representation and was socialised to all CFO’s and DHB SMEs for feedback prior to the FPIM Governance Board approval.

We seek any and all comments on the suitability and fit-for-purpose nature of the draft.


  • Health sector


  • Health information standards