Cervical Screening & Primary Care Capacity

Closed 30 Jun 2022

Opened 27 May 2022


As COVID-19 and other pressures continue to impact our health sector, the National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) wants your input to determine how cervical screening is being affected in primary care, specifically with regards to sector capacity.

COVID-19 has impacted screening rates for all populations, but wāhine Māori and Pacific peoples have been inequitably affected. As people working in the health system, we share a vision of equitable screening programmes, where all populations groups have equitable access and outcomes.

The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. We look forward to working together for an equitable recovery.

Why your views matter

Primary care is the backbone of cervical screening and many other services. We appreciate the massive effort you have undertaken over the years, especially recently to support vital health outcomes in an unpredictable environment.

The NCSP guidance provides advice on prioritisation and service delivery through the differing alert levels. Although we understand that no one knows your screening capacity or the perspectives of your demographic population like you do.

In order for the NCSP to provide meaningful help as we enter the recovery stage for cervical screening we need your help to give us a clearer picture of what is happening on the ground.


  • Health sector


  • Screening