Healthy Food and Drink Guidance survey

Closed 8 Nov 2019

Opened 21 Oct 2019


Healthy Active Learning is a new Wellbeing Budget initiative that will promote and improve healthy eating and physical activity in schools, kura, ngā kōhanga reo and early learning services across Aotearoa.

The Ministry of Health (the Ministry) is currently drafting the Healthy Food and Drink Guidance (the Guidance) for these settings and is seeking your feedback.

The Guidance (attached) represents the Ministry’s  policy for food and drink available in education settings. It impacts the types and portion sizes of foods available in schools, kura, ngā kōhanga reo and early learning services. Food and drink that staff or children bring for their own consumption is excluded from this Guidance. 

The Guidance updates healthy eating advice for schools. It has been informed by the following published documents:

  1. Food and nutrition for healthy, confident kids (available on
  2. National Healthy Food and Drink Policy (2nd ed). Wellington: Ministry of Health (available at
  3. Health Star Rating (available at
  4. advice in other jurisdictions i.e. international settings.

Why your views matter

 It is envisaged that the Guidance will be considered by schools, kura, ngā kōhanga reo and early learning services, and adapted as appropriate to the local context in consultation with their board, students, parents and others. Adoption and/or adaptation of the Guidance will be up to individual settings.

We value your knowledge of the food environment in education settings and invite you to provide feedback on this draft Guidance, via a short questionnaire.


  • Service providers


  • Nutrition and physical activity