HISO 10058.1:2020 Infection Surveillance Data Standard

Closed 13 Nov 2020

Opened 5 Oct 2020

Results updated 23 Apr 2021

The published standard and a summary of submissions are available on the Ministry of Health website.


You are invited to review and provide comment on the draft Infection Surveillance Data Standard.

To support the ability to monitor the occurrence of infections or an outbreak by key organisms using an infection surveillance system, data needs to be captured consistently. This information will inform patient care as well as assist in identifying improvements to address outbreaks and to significantly reduce the incidence and severity of infections. The increasing resistance of infections to antibiotics makes it even more important to improve infection surveillance.

The draft Infection Surveillance Data Standard has been designed to identify the minimum information required to be captured for a patient’s health care encounter when a suspected or confirmed infection has been identified. This document covers infections identified in both the community and hospital setting.

The development of this draft standard commenced in August 2019 and was designed in partnership with the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).

View the draft standard


  • Health sector


  • Health information standards