Clozapine Survey 2023

Closed 6 Oct 2023

Opened 7 Aug 2023

Results updated 24 Jun 2024

The information gathered from responses has been summarised and is now  available on the Medsafe website. 

Medsafe would like to thank all those who participated. 

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Tēnā koutou. Welcome.

Medsafe, the Medicines and Medical Devices Regulatory Authority of Aotearoa New Zealand, welcomes participants to take part in this survey about clozapine.

What is the survey aim? To gain important insights into experiences of people who take clozapine and from healthcare professionals who support people who take clozapine in New Zealand.

Who are we asking to participate? People who take clozapine, whānau, family and/or caregivers of people who take clozapine, and healthcare professionals who look after people who take clozapine.

This survey is open to people living in New Zealand.

What will you be asked to do? Complete an online questionnaire consisting of approximately 20 questions. Answers may be left blank if needed. This survey takes approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete.

Why are we doing this survey? Many people have significant benefits from taking clozapine. However, treatment can also cause some significant side effects. People who take clozapine and the healthcare professionals who support them may experience challenges with clozapine use.

We are doing this survey to gather information about peoples experiences of clozapine following recommendations from the Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee.

Read more information to the background of this survey in the related documents below.

What information will be collected? We are collecting information from survey participants about clozapine use, side effects and challenges that may be faced in managing the risks of clozapine treatment.

Preview the survey questions in the related documents below.

You are not required to provide your name or contact details to participate, however you may provide this information in case we need to contact you about your response.

What will happen to the survey responses? This survey is being conducted using the Ministry of Health Citizen Space platform.

A summary of the responses to the survey and Medsafe’s and the Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee analysis and recommendations will be published.

If you give us permission, we will publish your individual response on Citizen Space. Any personal details included in your response will be removed. This includes names, contact details, location or places of work, and any other information you tell us to remove. Read more about Citizen Space and privacy. You can see how we have treated previous consultation responses here.  

If you have any questions or requests about your response, please contact us using the unique code provided to you on submission on your response.

Any questions? If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at:



  • Members of the public
  • Health sector
  • Mental health and addiction services


  • Mental health
  • Pharmacy