138 results
Feedback on proposed quality performance indicators for head and neck cancer
The Cancer Control Agency, in partnership with the Head and Neck Cancer Working Group, have developed a set of proposed quality performance indicators (QPIs) for Head and Neck Cancer. A set of 14 QPIs have been selected, in partnership with sector leaders, to measure performance and drive continuous quality improvement in head and neck services in New Zealand. QPIs will measure the quality of care and outcomes for people with Head and Neck cancer. They are an effective mechanism... MoreClosed 20 June 2020 -
Feedback on the COVID-19 Psychosocial and Mental Wellbeing Recovery Plan
The Kia Kaha, Kia Māia, Kia Ora Aotearoa - COVID-19 psychosocial and mental wellbeing recovery plan provides a national approach to supporting the mental and social wellbeing of New Zealanders in the COVID-19 recovery period. View the plan Kia Kaha, Kia Māia, Kia Ora Aotearoa: COVID-19 Psychosocial and Mental Wellbeing Recovery Plan (docx, 511 KB) Kia Kaha, Kia Māia, Kia Ora Aotearoa: COVID-19 Psychosocial and Mental Wellbeing Recovery Plan (pdf, 739 KB) This... MoreClosed 17 June 2020 -
COVID-19 information survey for WHO
Kia ora! The Ministry of Health is participating in global research for the World Health Organization (WHO). We are working to define what information people need in a pandemic by asking what topics are important to you. The results are anonymous and may be used by governments around the world to help improve the information they provide. Thank you for your valuable contribution. MoreClosed 17 June 2020 -
Contraceptive standards
Condoms and other contraceptive devices supplied in New Zealand are required to meet a gazetted standard. Section 6 of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977 grants the Minister of Health the power to approve Standards for condoms or other contraceptive devices by notice in the New Zealand Gazette. Updates to these standards were last notified in gazette notices dated 29 March 2014. Since that time four of the five ISO standards gazetted at that time have been updated,... MoreClosed 14 May 2020 -
Proposed changes to paracetamol warning and advisory statements
Medsafe is seeking comments on proposed changes to current warning and advisory statements for paracetamol. At the December 2018 Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee (MARC) meeting, the Committee discussed a serious case report of acute liver failure in a young patient due to a suspected overdose of paracetamol. The Committee noted that they had discussed similar case reports in the past, indicating an ongoing issue ( December 2018 Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee Meeting... MoreClosed 31 January 2020 -
Well Child Tamariki Ora Review online feedback
Consultation overview: The Well Child Tamariki Ora Programme (WCTO) provides universal child health services and checks to tamariki and their whānau. It is a key contributor to the Government’s cross-agency work to improve child Wellbeing, and is a priority within the government to improve child wellbeing. To find out more information about the programme and review please see the related links below. The Ministry of Health is reviewing and improving the... MoreClosed 20 January 2020 -
Draft revisions to the Guidelines to the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992
The Ministry of Health is currently seeking feedback on proposed draft revisions to the Guidelines for the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992. These Guidelines are intended to assist providers and statutory officials in their application of the legislation, however they can also be useful for individuals and family and whānau to understand the processes and their rights under the Act. Initially a targeted list of stakeholders and groups representing people... MoreClosed 17 January 2020 -
Understanding digital literacy for health and disability providers in New Zealand
Health care professionals need digital literacy to do their work safely and effectively. While other aspects of the health profession use traditional education models, we don’t currently have a formal training system or recognised titles for digital qualifications. People often work in digital and data roles and use digital tools by learning as they go, getting support from online communities and resources. We want to understand how the health and disability sector has incorporated... MoreClosed 20 December 2019 -
Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) Action Plan
Consultation on the MFM Action Plan MoreClosed 13 December 2019 -
Proposed colorectal cancer systemic anti-cancer therapy (chemotherapy) regimens: Draft definitions for review
Tēnā koutou katoa We are seeking your clinical review of proposed colorectal systemic anti-cancer therapy (chemotherapy) regimen definitions. The Ministry and the Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) NZ Colorectal Work Group have developed a set of regimen definitions for colorectal cancer. Driven primarily by the Medical Oncology Work Group (MOWG), the intention of this work is to implement consistent and agreed naming conventions for all common regimens in use for the treatment... MoreClosed 6 December 2019 -
Help inform the development of the Ministry of Health’s new values
We believe that how we work together within the Ministry and with the health and disability sector, public service and communities is key to achieving pae ora – healthy futures for all New Zealanders. We are working with our people to co-create new values to underpin the Ministry culture; and we also want input from our external stakeholders to understand what we could do to improve how we work with you. MoreClosed 22 November 2019 -
Code of Practice for Irradiating Apparatus: Draft for consultation
This document sets out possible wording for a new code of practice to be issued under the Radiation Safety Act 2016 for the use of non-medical irradiating apparatus. Section 86(2) of the Act requires that anyone likely to be affected by the code is consulted before it is issued. The purpose of this document is to provide suggestions to assist in that consultation process. The Introduction to the Code, Key roles, Definitions, training and equipment sections set out the proposed... MoreClosed 22 November 2019 -
Code of Practice for Sealed Radioactive Material: Draft for consultation
This document sets out possible wording for a new code of practice to be issued under the Radiation Safety Act 2016 for the use of sealed radioactive material for non-medical purposes. Section 86(2) of the Act requires that anyone likely to be affected by the code is consulted before it is issued. The purpose of this document is to provide suggestions to assist in that consultation process. The Introduction to the Code, Key roles, Definitions, training and sources/devices sections... MoreClosed 22 November 2019 -
Code of Practice for Unsealed Radioactive Material: Draft for consultation
This document sets out possible wording for a new code of practice to be issued under the Radiation Safety Act 2016 for the use of unsealed radioactive material for non-medical purposes. Section 86(2) of the Act requires that anyone likely to be affected by the code is consulted before it is issued. The purpose of this document is to provide suggestions to assist in that consultation process. The Introduction to the Code, Key roles, Definitions, training, annaul limits on intake... MoreClosed 22 November 2019 -
Code of Practice for Veterinary Radiation: Draft for consultation
This document sets out possible wording for a new code of practice to be issued under the Radiation Safety Act 2016 for the use of irradiating apparatus and radioactive material for veterinary diagnosis, research or therapy purposes. Section 86(2) of the Act requires that anyone likely to be affected by the code is consulted before it is issued. The purpose of this document is to provide suggestions to assist in that consultation process. The Introduction to the Code, Key roles,... MoreClosed 22 November 2019 -
Code of Practice for Non-medical Irradiators: Draft for consultation
This document sets out possible wording for a new code of practice to be issued under the Radiation Safety Act 2016 for the use of non-medical irradiators. Section 86(2) of the Act requires that anyone likely to be affected by the code is consulted before it is issued. The purpose of this document is to provide suggestions to assist in that consultation process. The Introduction to the Code, Key roles, Definitions, equipment, testing and training sections set out the proposed... MoreClosed 22 November 2019 -
Healthy Food and Drink Guidance survey
Healthy Active Learning is a new Wellbeing Budget initiative that will promote and improve healthy eating and physical activity in schools, kura, ngā kōhanga reo and early learning services across Aotearoa. The Ministry of Health (the Ministry) is currently drafting the Healthy Food and Drink Guidance (the Guidance) for these settings and is seeking your feedback. The Guidance (attached) represents the Ministry’s policy for food and drink available in... MoreClosed 8 November 2019 -
New Zealand Cancer Action Plan 2019–2029
Tēnā koutou katoa, We are seeking your feedback on the New Zealand Cancer Action Plan 2019–2029 (PDF, 1.5 MB) (the Plan). The Ministry of Health has engaged with a number of cancer-sector stakeholders in the development of the Plan. The following questions about the Plan are designed to help you prepare your feedback. Not all areas of the Plan will be included in the questions as: the Ministry will or has already engaged some sections through a separate... MoreClosed 13 October 2019 -
Participate. Shape the future - Cancer Action Plan 2019-29
66 people are told they have cancer every day. Most New Zealanders will be impacted by cancer in their lifetime – either directly, or through friends or family members affected by cancer. Right now, we are finalising the New Zealand Cancer Action Plan 2019-2029. We want to hear what matters most to you. MoreClosed 13 October 2019 -
HISO 10050.2:2019 Maternity Care Summary Standard – Draft for public comment
To provide high quality maternity care in New Zealand we need to underpin maternity practice with information that supports the care of women, babies and their family/whānau, continuity of care, best practice, and analytics. The HISO 10050.2:2019 Maternity Care Summary Standard is designed to ensure that information related to maternity care is consistently recorded. Standardised data will enable services to be meaningfully benchmarked against each other. A meaningful data set... MoreClosed 3 September 2019 -
Adult New Zealand Health Survey Stakeholder Feedback Questionnaire
The Ministry of Health is embarking on a refresh of content in the New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS), which has been in continuous operation in its current form since 2011. The purpose of this refresh is to update NZHS content so that it better meets users' needs, while shortening the survey's length to minimise burden on respondents. This questionnaire marks the beginning of this refresh, and seeks detailed feedback from stakeholders on how useful they find the current indicators and... MoreClosed 28 August 2019 -
Child New Zealand Health Survey Stakeholder Feedback Questionnaire
The Ministry of Health is embarking on a refresh of content in the New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS), which has been in continuous operation in its current form since 2011. The purpose of this refresh is to update NZHS content so that it better meets users' needs, while shortening the survey's length to minimise burden on respondents. This questionnaire marks the beginning of this refresh, and seeks detailed feedback from stakeholders on how useful they find the current indicators... MoreClosed 28 August 2019 -
Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive material: Draft for Consultation
The Radiation Safety Act 2016 came fully into force on 7 March 2017. The Act is administered by the Ministry of Health’s Office of Radiation Safety. The Act sets out high-level safety and security obligations in sections 9–12. There are many different types of radiation use and the requirements are often very technical. The Act therefore authorises the issuing of codes of practice to set out more detailed requirements relating to individual areas of practice. This code relates to... MoreClosed 16 August 2019 -
Changes to the prescribing restrictions for riluzole
Riluzole is a glutamate agonist used in the management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Riluzole is a prescription medicine approved under section 23 of the Medicines Act 1981. The following condition regarding prescriber access to this medicine applies. MoreClosed 9 August 2019 -
Proposed warning statements for substances (eg, allergens) in medicines that may cause undesirable reactions
This Medsafe consultation proposes labelling requirements for substances/groups of substances in medicines and related products that may cause an undesirable reaction (eg, allergies) in some people. Unlike foods, most medicines and related products are not required to list all the ingredients that are included in the medicine on the label. The active ingredient will always be on the medicine label, but only some inactive ingredients, also called excipients, must be on the label.... MoreClosed 8 August 2019 -
Medicinal Cannabis Scheme consultation
The Government has committed to establishing a Medicinal Cannabis Scheme to improve access to quality medicinal cannabis products through: enabling the commercial cultivation of medicinal cannabis and the manufacture of medicinal cannabis products in New Zealand setting standards for medicinal cannabis products so that medical practitioners can prescribe them with more confidence. A regulatory system, with controls on the cultivation of cannabis and the... MoreClosed 7 August 2019 -
Proposed Lung Cancer Quality Performance Indicators: Draft descriptions for review
The Ministry and the National Lung Cancer Working Group (the Working Group) have worked together to develop a set of proposed quality performance indicators (QPIs) for lung cancer. The proposed indicators have been selected to measure performance and drive quality improvement in lung cancer diagnosis and treatment services . The Working Group has identified a set of 19 QPIs that measure the quality of care and outcomes for people with lung cancer in New Zealand and support continuous... MoreClosed 22 July 2019 -
Proposed prostate cancer quality performance indicators for clinical review
We are seeking your clinical review of proposed quality performance indicators for prostate cancer. The Ministry and the National Urological Cancer Working Group (the Working Group) have worked together to develop a set of proposed quality performance indicators (QPIs) for prostate cancer. The proposed indicators have been selected to measure performance and drive quality improvement in prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment services . The Working Group has identified a set of... MoreClosed 7 June 2019 -
Health & Disability Workforce Strategic Priorities
The Health Workforce directorate in the Ministry of Health is working to develop a small number of defined priorities to guide improvement actions for the New Zealand health and disability workforce during the period 2019-2024. To support this work, please fill out this survey for ranking and rating the 18 potential strategic priorities. The aim of the survey is to establish an accurate picture of people's perspectives through comparing and cross-referencing the results of the ranking... MoreClosed 31 May 2019 -
New Zealand Obstetric Ultrasound Guidelines
The draft New Zealand Obstetric Ultrasound Guidelines have been developed by a working group of sector clinical experts, with support from the Ministry of Health. New Zealand Obstetric Ultrasound Guidelines: Consultation document (Word, 8.0 MB) New Zealand Obstetric Ultrasound Guidelines: Consultation document (PDF, 2.8 MB) The guidelines are a key recommendation of the Maternity Ultrasound Advisory Group, which was a sub-group of the National Maternity Monitoring... MoreClosed 3 May 2019
138 results.
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