136 results
Unlocking the potential of active ageing - Long-term Insights Briefing publication consultation
The Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora is seeking written feedback on the proposed topic of its Long-term Insights Briefing by Monday 2 December 2024. Our proposed Long-term Insights Briefing (LTIB) topic is: Unlocking the Potential of Active Ageing - creating health-promoting and supportive environments to empower older people and enhance their contributions to society. View Unlocking the Potential of Active Ageing - Long-term Insights Briefing on the Ministry of Health... MoreClosed 2 December 2024 -
Proposed updates to the Guideline on the Regulation of Therapeutic Products in New Zealand: Clinical Trials
This consultation is aimed at pharmaceutical companies, health care professional organisations and individuals involved in conducting clinical trials in New Zealand. People who participate in clinical trials or with an interest in clinical trials regulation may also wish to participate. Medsafe is seeking your feedback on changes to the Guideline on the Regulation of Therapeutic Products in New Zealand: Part 11: Clinical trials – regulatory approval and good clinical practice... MoreClosed 1 November 2024 -
Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025 - 2029 Consultation
Suicide prevention efforts in New Zealand are guided by these two documents : Every Life Matters – He Tapu te Oranga o ia Tangata: Suicide Prevention Strategy 2019–2029 (He Tapu te Oranga) Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2019–2024 for Aotearoa New Zealand. The strategy contains the framework for a national approach to suicide prevention and was designed to be supported by two five-year action plans that would contain the... MoreClosed 1 November 2024 -
Developing the Hauora Māori Strategy 2025
The Ministry, as chief steward of the health system, is responsible for the development and delivery of a new Hauora Māori Strategy under the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022. Manatū Hauora is therefore undertaking engagement to test and refine proposals for the Hauora Māori Strategy 2025. Developing a new Hauora Māori Strategy is about charting the direction of travel for the health system over the next 5 to 10 years. After a lot of structural change in health, this strategy is... MoreClosed 22 October 2024 -
Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2025/26 to 2027/28
Harm from gambling is a significant public health issue for our communities, and for individuals, families and whānau. Every three years the Ministry of Health is required by the Gambling Act 2003 to set out a proposed strategy to prevent and minimise the harm caused by gambling. As part of this, public consultation on a draft strategy is required, which will provide an opportunity to have your say about the draft Strategy (what we will achieve), the draft Service... MoreClosed 6 October 2024 -
Safe Areas - One year survey
The Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora (the Ministry) is conducting a survey to understand provider experiences and observations following the establishment of a Safe Area around their facility. The information gathered from this survey will contribute to a review of the effectiveness of Safe Areas surrounding abortion services in Aotearoa New Zealand. MoreClosed 30 September 2024 -
Public consultation for the review of the End of Life Choice Act (2019)
Need to talk? Assisted dying is a sensitive topic and may be difficult for some people. Phone or text 1737 to speak with a counsellor anytime, for free. The End of Life Choice Act 2019 (the Act) is the law that makes assisted dying legal in New Zealand. It came into force on 7 November 2021. The Act is administered by the Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora, and the Assisted Dying Service is delivered by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora. The Act sets out the legal... MoreClosed 26 September 2024 -
Code of Practice for Radiation Therapy: ORS C3
View the Revised Code of Practice for Radiation Therapy: ORS C3 on the Ministry of Health website. The Radiation Safety Act 2016 (the Act) is administered by the Ministry of Health –Manatū Hauora (the Ministry). Section 86(1) of the Act allows the Director to issue codes of practice. This is for the purpose of specifying technical requirements. Code of Practice for Radiation Therapy: ORS C3 (C3) first became effective as of 9 August 2019. Section 90(a) of the... MoreClosed 7 August 2024 -
GCRG pre-meeting survey - June 2024
The Government Continuity Reference Group (GCRG) meets bi-monthly to discuss business continuity management topics and to share experiences and best practice. The purpose of this pre-meeting survey is to gather relevant information from GCRG members for sharing at the meeting. This includes sharing work opportunities, questions and information requests, and providing input into future meetings. The survey is also an opportunity to seek information from members that will... MoreClosed 3 July 2024 -
Revised Code of Practice for Industrial Radiography: ORS C7
View the Revised Code of Practice for Industrial Radiography: ORS C7 on the Ministry of Health website. The Radiation Safety Act 2016 (the Act) is administered by the Ministry of Health –Manatū Hauora (the Ministry). Section 86(1) of the Act allows the Director for Radiation Safety (the Director) to issue codes of practice. This is for the purpose of specifying technical requirements. The Code of Practice for Industrial Radiography: ORS C7 (C7) was first issued by... MoreClosed 5 June 2024 -
Proposed addition of diabetes medicines to the specified prescription medicines list for designated registered nurse prescribers in primary health and specialty teams
The Ministry of Health | Manatū Hauora invites submissions on the addition of two classes of diabetes medicines to the list of specified prescription medicines for designated registered nurse prescribers. The Nursing Council of New Zealand (the Council) has recommended two classes of prescription-only diabetes medicines it considers appropriate for designated registered nurse prescribers in primary health and specialty teams. Manatū Hauora, on behalf of the... MoreClosed 31 May 2024 -
GCRG pre-meeting survey - April 2024
The Government Continuity Reference Group (GCRG) meets bi-monthly to discuss business continuity management topics and to share experiences and best practice. The purpose of this pre-meeting survey is to gather relevant information from GCRG members for sharing at the meeting. This includes sharing work opportunities, questions and information requests, and providing input into future meetings. The survey is also an opportunity to seek information from members that will... MoreClosed 17 April 2024 -
Revised Code of Practice for Nuclear Medicine: ORS C2
View the Proposed revised Code of Practice for Nuclear Medicine: ORS C2 on the Ministry of Health website. The Radiation Safety Act 2016 (the Act) is administered by the Ministry of Health - Manatū Hauora (the Ministry). Section 86(1) of the Act allows the Director for Radiation Safety (Director) to issue codes of practice. This is for the purpose of specifying technical requirements. Code of Practice for Nuclear Medicine: ORS C2 (C2) first became effective as of... MoreClosed 16 April 2024 -
Revised Code of Practice for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material: ORS C6
View the Proposed revised Code of Practice for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material: ORS C6 on the Ministry of Health website. The Radiation Safety Act 2016 (the Act) is administered by the Ministry of Health - Manatū Hauora (the Ministry). Section 86(1) of the Act allows the Director for Radiation Safety (Director) to issue codes of practice. This is for the purpose of specifying technical requirements. Code of Practice for the Safe Transport of Radioactive... MoreClosed 10 April 2024 -
Proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)
The Ministry of Health is seeking the views of New Zealanders on amendments proposed by Member States to the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR). This will help inform New Zealand’s position as we contribute to the ongoing negotiations in the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR). The World Health Organisation (WHO) has prepared a comprehensive document which integrates around 300 proposed amendments into the articles in the IHR 2005.... MoreClosed 18 February 2024 -
Regulating the Physician Associate profession under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003
**This consultation has been reinitiated. Please note the new submission deadline is 21 December 2023.** Manatū Hauora (The Ministry of Health - the Ministry) is proposing that the Physician Associate profession be regulated under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance (HPCA) Act 2003. This is a targeted consultation - please read the consultation document and Addendum that have been emailed to you. Making a submission: ... MoreClosed 21 December 2023 -
Proposed updates to the Guideline on the Regulation of Therapeutic Products in New Zealand: Pharmacovigilance
This consultation is aimed at sponsors* of medicines that are approved for use in New Zealand and organisations involved in pharmacovigilance activities (ie, on behalf of sponsors). Medsafe is seeking your feedback on proposed updates to the Guideline on the Regulation of Therapeutic Products in New Zealand: Pharmacovigilance (the Guideline). Medsafe last sought comment on a revision to the Guideline on the Regulation of Therapeutic Products:... MoreClosed 14 December 2023 -
Quarterly Feedback Survey Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard Implementation September 2023
HealthCERT continues to support the implementation of Ngā Paerewa Health and disability services standard NZS 8134:2021 (Ngā Paerewa). As part of the implementation and transition period, HealthCERT is running a regular survey to gather feedback from all stakeholders, including service providers, health professionals, people and whānau who use these services. This survey aims to check in on how the transition is going so we can identify the most useful guidance and training to offer.... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Clozapine Survey 2023
Tēnā koutou. Welcome. Medsafe, the Medicines and Medical Devices Regulatory Authority of Aotearoa New Zealand, welcomes participants to take part in this survey about clozapine. What is the survey aim? To gain important insights into experiences of people who take clozapine and from healthcare professionals who support people who take clozapine in New Zealand. Who are we asking to participate? People who take... MoreClosed 6 October 2023 -
Revised Code of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology ORS C1
The Radiation Safety Act 2016 (the Act) is administered by the Manatū Hauora – the Ministry of Health (the Ministry). Section 86(1) of the Act allows the Director for Radiation Safety (Director) to issue codes of practice. This is for the purpose of specifying technical requirements. The Code of Practice for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology ORS C1 (C1) first became effective as of 9 November 2018. Section 90(a) of the Act requires the Director to review a code of... MoreClosed 5 October 2023 -
New Zealand Health Survey Feedback
The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information about how New Zealand Health Survey results are shared, uncover which New Zealand Health Survey data products people find most useful, and identify ways to improve them. We are interested in hearing from people who use, or may potentially use, New Zealand Health Survey data. This online questionnaire will take about 10-15 minutes. The results will be aggregated, and your data will remain confidential. Feel... MoreClosed 27 July 2023 -
Precision health: Exploring opportunities and challenges to predict, prevent, diagnose, and treat disease more precisely in Aotearoa New Zealand: draft briefing
Manatū Hauora (the Ministry of Health) is seeking written feedback on this draft of its Long-term Insights Briefing (the briefing) by 5pm on 19 June 2023. Precision health: Exploring opportunities and challenges to predict, prevent, diagnose, and treat disease more precisely in Aotearoa New Zealand: Public consultation on a draft long-term insights briefing This briefing represents the start of a conversation about how we use current and emerging technologies toward precision... MoreClosed 19 June 2023 -
Code of Practice for Dental Radiology: ORS C4 – Draft for consultation
This document sets out proposed wording for a revised Code of Practice for Dental Radiology ORS C4 (the C4 Code) to be issued under the Radiation Safety Act 2016 (the Act). Section 90(a) of the Act requires the Director for Radiation Safety (the Director) review a code of practice every five years. Also, section 90(b) of the Act requires before reviewing a code of practice that the Director consult any person who the Director reasonably considers is likely to be affected by the... MoreClosed 2 June 2023 -
Quarterly Feedback Survey Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard Implementation March 2023
HealthCERT continues to support the implementation of Ngā Paerewa Health and disability services standard (NZS 8134:2021). As part of the implementation and transition period, HealthCERT is running a regular survey to gather feedback from all stakeholders, including service providers, auditing agencies, health professionals, people and whānau who use these services. The survey aims to gather feedback on your current level of understanding of Ngā Paerewa and identify which key areas... MoreClosed 1 May 2023 -
Third HealthCERT team Implementation survey
This survey is to get an understanding from the HealthCERT team where additional training or support is required. The survey is anonymous. MoreClosed 1 May 2023 -
Research involving human gametes and embryos
This consultation document presents, for public feedback, ACART’s thoughts about the matters that will, or might, need to be addressed in updated guidelines for human reproductive research. The current guidelines for human reproductive research, titled Guidelines for Research on Gametes and Non-viable Embryos, were published in 2005. It is timely to review these now with a view to providing updated guidelines that still enable society to benefit from developments in ART while... MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
Proposals for the Smoked Tobacco Regulatory Regime
Manatū Hauora would like to hear from you about changes to the way smoked tobacco and vaping products are made and sold in Aotearoa (this includes vaping, heated tobacco and herbal smoking products). Following recent updates to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Act, we are seeking your views on proposals to implement these changes, including a retail scheme (where products are sold), and low nicotine requirements for smoked tobacco in Aotearoa.... MoreClosed 15 March 2023 -
Hauora Māori strategy consultation
As part of the next stage of the health reforms, we are developing a range of strategies to help guide our health system to achieve pae ora, healthy futures. One of those strategies is the Hauora Māori Strategy which will set the direction of the new health system for improving Māori health and wellbeing. Manatū Hauora and Te Aka Whai Ora are developing the interim Hauora Māori Strategy as part of a suite of health strategies within the Pae Ora (Healthy... MoreClosed 15 March 2023 -
Precision health: Exploring opportunities and challenges to predict, prevent, diagnose, and treat disease more precisely in Aotearoa New Zealand
Manatū Hauora (Ministry of Health) is seeking written feedback on the proposed topic of its Long-term Insights Briefing by 5pm on Friday 27th January 2023. The proposed topic is: Precision health: Exploring opportunities and challenges to predict, prevent, diagnose, and treat disease more precisely in Aotearoa New Zealand. This is the first phase of a 2-phase public consultation approach to develop our briefing. You can make your submission by: completing the ... MoreClosed 27 January 2023 -
Ethical Guidance for a Pandemic
The National Ethics Advisory Committee – Kāhui Matatika o te Motu (NEAC) is an independent advisor to the Minister of Health. NEAC has developed an update to its 2007 publication ‘ Getting Through Together: Ethical Principles for a Pandemic ’. The updated publication is called ‘Ethical Guidance for a Pandemic: Whakapuāwaitia e tatou kia puāwai tātoui’ . This online survey is seeking your feedback on the draft publication. NEAC wants to know if the ideas contained within... MoreClosed 1 November 2022
136 results.
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